'Playtime' (Mills,Julie,M)
I agree with your statement about shoplifting as it is childish. What is the point in stealing??I really do not see one at all!!!Yeah fair enough you get a thrill out of doing it, if you do not get caught and I mean IF YOU DO NOT GET CAUGHT!!!!!!But what about if you do get caught. It is a criminal offence and do you really want it on your record that you have got caught for stealing? There is not much fun in that! By doing something stupid like shoplifting and you get it on your record for the rest of your life, personally I it is pointless.
I totally agree with you when you say people do it for attention or it is a cry for help. You usually find it is people who are having problems at home or children and their parents do not really care about them. They tend to do it to get some sort of attention from it!
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