Tuesday 1 May 2007

Junk Food

What do people see as junk food?
Mc Donalds
Fast Foods-chinese or Indian
There are loads that I could name which I think is junk food.
Is junk food bad?
Personally I think some people see junk food as fine and there are others that are completely against it! Sometimes people eat junk food, in my opinion because they are feeling low or see it as a comfort eater!or just a treat.
I do not see anything wrong with eating junk food now and again but I do think it is wrong when you are always eating junk food.

There are limits!!! i ahve seen programmes like 'You are what you eat' and you see pewople on there who eat take aways every night and have 5 chocolate bars, 4 packets of crisps and fizzy drinks all in one day. Then it shows you what you eat in actual fat and generally it is disgusting.

It is ok to treat yourself now and again but not eating junk food day in day out!!!!! but who am I to say!

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