Age? 21
Sex? Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Social care and Social policy
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?If so, how?If not, why not?
It has not really related to any of my other subjects because my other modules are not to do with being bad.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I have found being bad just right it hasn't been too demanding and it wasn't too easy. It was at the right level.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
I do think the topics where appropriate as they were all about being bad.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes
What did you think of the module team? very good
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Yes
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? No
Information and talk from lecturers? Yes
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes as it was covered in the lecturers.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Not sure
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes I really enjoyed doing them.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? No
What have you learned from the module? That everyone has different views and opinions abut things.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? The tattoo and piercing one as it was very interesting.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? being too religious as I did not see the point in it and found the lecture very boring.
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? No
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Last Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it has come to an end and this is going to be my last blog as it is due in tomorrow and hopefully I am going to pass it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had fun doing this blog as it has given me the opportunity to express my feelings and opinions on certain topics which I thought was good. It was good as well seeing what other people wrote!
While doing this course I have found out stuff that I didn't know before and it has been very interesting.
It has been good to find out what people see as bad! When we had our first lesson and we had to write what we thought we have done which is bad. It was very funny to see hwat other people had written.
Finally i would like to say I have really enjoyed doing this course and that's all folks!!!!
I have had fun doing this blog as it has given me the opportunity to express my feelings and opinions on certain topics which I thought was good. It was good as well seeing what other people wrote!
While doing this course I have found out stuff that I didn't know before and it has been very interesting.
It has been good to find out what people see as bad! When we had our first lesson and we had to write what we thought we have done which is bad. It was very funny to see hwat other people had written.
Finally i would like to say I have really enjoyed doing this course and that's all folks!!!!
Friday, 4 May 2007

Do you see fighting as something worth while, right or wrong?
i believe fighting is completely wrong and I do not see the point in doing it. What do you get out of it? Can you answer that? i bet if you asked someone after they had had a fight what they got out of it, they would not be able to answer it!!!!
Does it make you feel better about something? Or does it make you feel good about yourself?
I think people fight sometimes so they look good in front of their friends, too make them look big or hard. Some people do it because of the attention.
But all I question is WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Why do people do it?
I do not see the point in it. It does not prove anything about the type of person you are. The only thing it proves that you are STUPID!!!!!!!!
My views are that fighting is BAD and people should not do it.
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Junk Food
What do people see as junk food?
Mc Donalds
Fast Foods-chinese or Indian
There are loads that I could name which I think is junk food.
Is junk food bad?
Personally I think some people see junk food as fine and there are others that are completely against it! Sometimes people eat junk food, in my opinion because they are feeling low or see it as a comfort eater!or just a treat.
I do not see anything wrong with eating junk food now and again but I do think it is wrong when you are always eating junk food.
There are limits!!! i ahve seen programmes like 'You are what you eat' and you see pewople on there who eat take aways every night and have 5 chocolate bars, 4 packets of crisps and fizzy drinks all in one day. Then it shows you what you eat in actual fat and generally it is disgusting.
It is ok to treat yourself now and again but not eating junk food day in day out!!!!! but who am I to say!
Mc Donalds
Fast Foods-chinese or Indian
There are loads that I could name which I think is junk food.
Is junk food bad?
Personally I think some people see junk food as fine and there are others that are completely against it! Sometimes people eat junk food, in my opinion because they are feeling low or see it as a comfort eater!or just a treat.
I do not see anything wrong with eating junk food now and again but I do think it is wrong when you are always eating junk food.
There are limits!!! i ahve seen programmes like 'You are what you eat' and you see pewople on there who eat take aways every night and have 5 chocolate bars, 4 packets of crisps and fizzy drinks all in one day. Then it shows you what you eat in actual fat and generally it is disgusting.
It is ok to treat yourself now and again but not eating junk food day in day out!!!!! but who am I to say!
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Being two faced
I can not see anyone saying that they have not bitched someone else behind there back!
Is it seen as bad?? In my opinion I do not see it normal if someone does not slag someone off behind their back! I know that I have done it loads of times. There have been times when people have really got to me and I have said stuff about them behind their back! There is always a time in your life when someone gets to you so much that you just can not help it!
I know people call people two faced when they have slagged someone off behind their back and are there bestfriend's to there face. I admit I have done that, there are times when I have bitched about some of my best friends but when I see them I am all nice to them! Maybe that is seen as bad I don't know! I do not see it bad as everyone does it and half the time they just wanted to let some steam off! They did not actually mean it!
Is it seen as bad?? In my opinion I do not see it normal if someone does not slag someone off behind their back! I know that I have done it loads of times. There have been times when people have really got to me and I have said stuff about them behind their back! There is always a time in your life when someone gets to you so much that you just can not help it!
I know people call people two faced when they have slagged someone off behind their back and are there bestfriend's to there face. I admit I have done that, there are times when I have bitched about some of my best friends but when I see them I am all nice to them! Maybe that is seen as bad I don't know! I do not see it bad as everyone does it and half the time they just wanted to let some steam off! They did not actually mean it!
Tuesday, 24 April 2007

The topic discussed in class was about people lying. Why do people lie?What is seen as bad in terms of lying?
Personally I think people lie to others to protect themselves and to protect others. People can lie so that they do not get caught out. Although when people lie I think it is wrong as I always think that you will always get found out no matter how long it takes. I always remember the saying when it comes to lying what comes around goes around so if you do lie you may not get caught out but what you may have lied to someone about will eventually happen to you.
There are occasions where you do lie for example a surprise party or you may have a driving test and you do not want anyone to know. These types of lies are okay as you are not hurting anyone.
There are two types:
Major lies where I feel people get hurt from it
White lies where they are not as major or it does not hurt anyone in the process.
At the end of the day someone can not say that they have not lied either it to be a major lie or just a little white lie.
Friday, 20 April 2007
Whitney(Obeng Amoah,Diane)
In a way what you are saying being bad is a positive perceptive, I have never really thought of it like that. Certain people do bad things because it is like a reward to them, others do it because it is a laugh with their friends as you say.
When you look at it when being bad, people do get a positive out of it as they feel good about themselves for example shoplifting as they have a buzz and a thrill when they do it and if they do not get caught they feel even better about themselves.
When people smoke like feel good about themselves and feel like they are getting something out of it or do it because their friends are doing it.
In a way what you are saying being bad is a positive perceptive, I have never really thought of it like that. Certain people do bad things because it is like a reward to them, others do it because it is a laugh with their friends as you say.
When you look at it when being bad, people do get a positive out of it as they feel good about themselves for example shoplifting as they have a buzz and a thrill when they do it and if they do not get caught they feel even better about themselves.
When people smoke like feel good about themselves and feel like they are getting something out of it or do it because their friends are doing it.
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Kids (1995)

Kids (1995) the first feature film of the renounced photographer-turned-filmmaker Larry Clark.
Personally after watching this I was quite disgusted by it. Who in their minds would come up with a film like this, it was horrible. Showing Telly going around trying to sleep with virgins and telling the girl that she was the one for him when she wasn't really, he just wanted t do it and show off to his friend Casper really!In my own mind what Telly did to the girl in my opinion was out of order and stuff like that should not happen but it does make you question does this still go on in real life????
The film does not deal with any morals at all and after talking to others about it they were absolutely disgusted disgusted by it and it went against their own religious values. Some people that I discussed it with felt that it neglected all human morals totally.
I do not see there is any target audition for this film as it was completely amoral and it should not have been made really but that is my opinion!!!!!!!!

'Playtime' (Mills,Julie,M)
I agree with your statement about shoplifting as it is childish. What is the point in stealing??I really do not see one at all!!!Yeah fair enough you get a thrill out of doing it, if you do not get caught and I mean IF YOU DO NOT GET CAUGHT!!!!!!But what about if you do get caught. It is a criminal offence and do you really want it on your record that you have got caught for stealing? There is not much fun in that! By doing something stupid like shoplifting and you get it on your record for the rest of your life, personally I it is pointless.
I totally agree with you when you say people do it for attention or it is a cry for help. You usually find it is people who are having problems at home or children and their parents do not really care about them. They tend to do it to get some sort of attention from it!
Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Do people see drinking alcohol as bad??
I don't think drinking alcohol is bad as long as you do not drink to the excessive!!
I think it is okay to go out with your friends and have a couple of drinks and chill. I do not see anytihng wrong with it at all. I do have a problem when people are alcoholic or are becoming alcoholic's as to me WHAT IS THE POINT????????? Drinknig all the time day and night what do you get out of it?
Sometimes it is nice just to have a drink and relax. I know people that do not drink ahcohol at all and that is their choice, I do not encourage them to try a drink as it is their option not to and I support that.
No-one can say that they have never tried alcohol!!! And some people can even say they have really bad stories to tell about drinking alcohol and things they have got up to!!!!! Because I know I have.
To me drinking alcohol is okay as long as you do not get drunk every night and just drink beacuse others around you are.
Some reason's why people drink is because it may relax them, peer pressure, want to see what it is like and because they like it.
Thursday, 5 April 2007

Clueless2 (Mason, Joanne)
I totally agree over the last couple of weeks the students behaviour has been really bad. You get students talking when the teacher is trying to talk which is not fair on other students and it is not fair on the person teaching the lesson.
At the end of the day it is your choice to come to the lesson so you should at least have respect for others who are their to learn. If you do not like the lesson then you should wait til the break then go.
I do not like it when mobile phones go off because at the beginning of each lesson you are told to switch them off but you are still guaranteed that a phone will go off in the lesson which I feel is really rude.
You are there to learn and there are others there to learn as well. If you do not want to come to the lesson then don't come or if you do not like it then find an appropriate time to leave without disrespecting others at the same time.

Is swearing seen as wrong and why do people do it?
No-one can not say they have never sweared in their life but why do people do it?
Personally I do not see anything wrong with swearing as long as you do not misuse it. It is okay to occasionally swear if something has gone wrong but there is no need to swear just for the sake of it.
I do not like children swearing as I do think that it is wrong and they should not really know how to swear at a certain age. Some young children do it because they think they look cool in front of their friends but when in fact they don't. I admit there is a point where you are old enough and you do know the swear and I feel it is alright to swear if you do it appropriately.
Swearing these days is seen as a norm and is accepted by society, you do get the older people and they get disgusted when they see people swearing but they can not say they haven't done it when they are younger which I feel is wrong.
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Jennie's weblog (Staines, Jennifer)
I totally agree with that you should not swear infront of children as it is wrong. I think it is disgusting when you see children swearing as they should not be doing it. I admit though there is a certain age you reach and you know most of the swear words and to me is not wrong. At a certain age I see it as okay, as long as you use it appropriately. I do not like it when people swear becasue they think it is cool. Swearing at a certain a age or when you older is seen as okay as it is really just a norm and within society they do not see anything wrong with it.
I totally agree with that you should not swear infront of children as it is wrong. I think it is disgusting when you see children swearing as they should not be doing it. I admit though there is a certain age you reach and you know most of the swear words and to me is not wrong. At a certain age I see it as okay, as long as you use it appropriately. I do not like it when people swear becasue they think it is cool. Swearing at a certain a age or when you older is seen as okay as it is really just a norm and within society they do not see anything wrong with it.

What is an addition?
Do you have one?
What is seen as an addition?
There are many types of addition for example smoking, drugs or gambling.
But why do people do it?
Some people do it because it is fun and it gives them a moment of pleasure.
It can be seen as being given a reward, you have done something well so you do it to congratulate yourself.
An addition may help you to relax or provides a relief for you.
Some people have an addition because it is part of their social life as all their friends do it so they do it as well.
When having an addition it is usually very hard to break and sometimes people do not even realise that they have one.
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Comment on:
Being Bad4 (ajmal, sanah)
I agree with your statement as infedility is wrong as you should not cheat on your partner no matter what. If there is something wrong with the realtionship or you are not happy then you should talk about it rather than cheating on each other.
Most of society today see it acceptable as people do not see anything wrong with it as it is a norm. What people do not realise that when someone does cheat on someone they are hurting other people in the process. There are a number of reasons why people do it but personally that it is a not the point. People should not cheat on their partner no matter what. If they are not happy they should say and try to sort it out.
Being Bad4 (ajmal, sanah)
I agree with your statement as infedility is wrong as you should not cheat on your partner no matter what. If there is something wrong with the realtionship or you are not happy then you should talk about it rather than cheating on each other.
Most of society today see it acceptable as people do not see anything wrong with it as it is a norm. What people do not realise that when someone does cheat on someone they are hurting other people in the process. There are a number of reasons why people do it but personally that it is a not the point. People should not cheat on their partner no matter what. If they are not happy they should say and try to sort it out.

I was quite shocked in the lecturer as I could not believe some of the places where piercing could be done.
Piercing can seen as temporary decorations, having it done with no lasting effect. There is short and long term nature. Long term is usually an invasive nature. The modifications only last as long as the regenerative/ healing properties of the body allow.
There may be religious reasons why someone has body piercing. There is sexual reasons as it may be pleasurable. Some people may get it done due to being rebellious having negative societal norms. Piercing may be seen as fashionable that's why people may get it done.
I do not believe in God created your body and it is an attack on him to change your body from its natural state and thus is deviant. It is your body and you are free to do whatever you want to do with it.
Visit and see a range of body piercing pictures.
I have only had my ears pierced, I do not think I would get anything else done as I do not see the point in it.
i have not got anything against people having any sort of piercing done as it your choice.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
*Hayley's blog* (Spiers, Hayley L.)
I agree with you as I found the lesson very interesting. It was the most interesting lesson I have had so far and I really enjoyed it. I found out things I did not know about before, like dying your hair and wearing make up was seen as body modification.
I agree with you when you say tattoo's are done because you are expressing your emotions and personality although I do not agree with you when you say that they are personal as some people do have tattoo's because they want another people to see them and tell them why they had that tattoo done. They have them done to tell people what they mean as well.
I agree with you as I found the lesson very interesting. It was the most interesting lesson I have had so far and I really enjoyed it. I found out things I did not know about before, like dying your hair and wearing make up was seen as body modification.
I agree with you when you say tattoo's are done because you are expressing your emotions and personality although I do not agree with you when you say that they are personal as some people do have tattoo's because they want another people to see them and tell them why they had that tattoo done. They have them done to tell people what they mean as well.

Having a tattoo is known as permanent decorations. Most people I know have had tattoo's, I haven't had one done yet. I have always wanted to have one done, a chinese symbol on my back but I think I am too scared of the pain! laugh out loud!!!!!
I do not think there is anything wrong with having tattoo's as you usually have tattoo's done because it means something to you for example memory. It is part of your identity.
People tend to have tattoo's done because they like the design of it or it may be due to your religion that you have a tattoo or body painting. Some people may have tattoo's done because of fashion, they may think that it is fashionable to done one done or that they look cool.
In some cultures people have inscribing on thier bodies which holds a message to it like history for example.
Thier may be memories to why people have tattoo's done, could be having thier partner's name put on thier arm or thier children's names.
I think having tattoo's are okay and they should not be seen as unusual. At the end of the day it is your body and you should be free to do whatever you want with it.
You should visit there are some very interesting design's.
Friday, 23 March 2007
I agree with you. Personally I do smoke but I think people who do not smoke should not look down on smokers as it is their choice and I am sure they know the risks involved.
If non-smokers are around people that smoke and do not like it, it is not their fault as the non-smokers choose to be there.
Being Bad Being Becky (Penny, Rebecca J.)
If non-smokers are around people that smoke and do not like it, it is not their fault as the non-smokers choose to be there.
Being Bad Being Becky (Penny, Rebecca J.)
Being bad! (Darby,Jessica)
I agree with your comment. Smoking isn't bad it is just a bad habit. If it was that bad as you say why do they STILL sell them in the shops.
People smoke because it is a habit and it is something to do even though they know you can get health related diseases.
I have seen adverts on T.V when people have had lung cancer from smoking but why hasn't that made me stop?? I have said loads of times that I am going to give up smoking but I ain't. I have read Allen Carr's Stop Smoking but it didn't work at all gave up for one day and started smoking again, WHY?????
I agree with your comment. Smoking isn't bad it is just a bad habit. If it was that bad as you say why do they STILL sell them in the shops.
People smoke because it is a habit and it is something to do even though they know you can get health related diseases.
I have seen adverts on T.V when people have had lung cancer from smoking but why hasn't that made me stop?? I have said loads of times that I am going to give up smoking but I ain't. I have read Allen Carr's Stop Smoking but it didn't work at all gave up for one day and started smoking again, WHY?????
Thursday, 22 March 2007

Being too religious?
I wasn't very keen on the lesson we had on this, I didn't like the way the teacher started off the lesson as I felt it was inappropriate.
I am not into religion myself as I do not believe in that type of stuff. Although I do not have a problem with people who have as long as they do not put it in your face.
It is your own choice at the end of the day what you want to believe in and my choice is not to.
I do not like Jehovah witnesses that come to the door and try and make you interested in what they do/believe in. I think it is quite rude as if you were interested in it you would do something about it instead of waiting for someone to come to the door to tell you about it.
I think if people believe in something and wnat to worship it then thats good by going to church etc. I just don't like the fact that they try and get poeple coming round trying to make you worship something as if you wanted to, you would anyway you do not need someone to tell you to.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
bandits and outlaws

There are many different types of bandits whether they are good or bad.
Robin Hood who was the noble robber. robbed from the rich to give to the poor. Although people did question to whether or not he did really exist.
Robin Hood was seen as a poor man hero. The poor admired him and turned to him because he would get things for them.
Social bandits were seen as the champions. They did not steal from the poor people. Often stole form the poor in the next village rather than the immediate village.
There is also Jesse James, the Western Robin Hood. He was seen as a highly political figure. He robbed for his own benefit.
Thursday, 8 March 2007

Is it right or wrong to do?
I feel that infidelity is completely wrong and you should not even try to do it. You hurt other people in the process and for what, abit of fun!!!
There are many types of infidelity. People can see it as cheating or having an affair with someone, Flirting with another person, lusting for someone or lying to someone about something.
People usually tend to do it due to being unhappy or bored in their present relationship and have an affair for the thrill by giving them a buzz. People usually want to see what it is like to be with someone else, seeing as they have been with someone for a long time. They just want to experiment and see what it is like.
I think cheating on another partner is wrong as I know someone who has been through it and it is not very nice at all. People get hurt and sometimes even children are involved in it.
People who are unhappy in their relationship should say and try to work on it. If they can not then they should realise the relationship is over and say. Instead of having an affair for example.
Friday, 2 March 2007
When people start to talk about masturbation you are guaranteed that the person gets all shy as if they are too embarrassed to talk about it.
In all fairness what people do in their own time is up to them and if they decide to masturbate then that is up to them. You should not judge them on what they do. That's why I don't get why people don't feel comfortable about talking about. There is no reason why people should get embarrassed when talking about it as it is natural and it is alright to do it.
I bet if you ask someone about it they will deny it but they have most probably done it but don't feel like talking about it.
In all fairness what people do in their own time is up to them and if they decide to masturbate then that is up to them. You should not judge them on what they do. That's why I don't get why people don't feel comfortable about talking about. There is no reason why people should get embarrassed when talking about it as it is natural and it is alright to do it.
I bet if you ask someone about it they will deny it but they have most probably done it but don't feel like talking about it.
Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Personally I do not see anything wrong with smoking weed as it is perscribed by the doctors. All it does is relaxes you, I see weed as a harmless drug.If some people want to smoke it now and again to help them unwide I do not see anything harmful in doing so.
Any other forms of drugs I am against like speed or cocaine as I do not see the point in doing it. I would be too afraid to do it as I would be scared that I might die. Doing hardcore drugs is pointless you are high for a while but what about the come down the next day. It is not that great! Why is it worth it if it only lasts for so long.
Friday, 23 February 2007

To me stalking is when someone follows a certain person around or is always around that person. Stalking is when the person can not get enough of that person and will try to do anything just to be with that person. They admire that person enough that the person will secretly found out times and dates where the person is going to be and make out they have accidentally turned up or what a shock it is that they are are the same place.There are no types of observances allowed and there are no appropriate ones as someone should not follow a certain person around.
Thursday, 22 February 2007
breakfast at tiffany's

I think it is prostitution if you take money off somenone who is expecting sex and then not to supply it as they are giving you money for sex. Even though you do not supply it I still see it as prostitution as you can have taken the money and that person thinks that they are recieving something. There is no real charge for prostitution as it should not happen. People should not pay people for sex. In my opnion I think it is disgusting and you should not be allowed to do it. It gives you a bad name and you loose your self respect.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007

I don't think that shoplifting is different to any type of theft as you are still taking something that isn't yours. People who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead as if they know they can do it they will. If they can get away with it they are more likley to do it as it gives them a buzz.
Thursday, 15 February 2007

In my opnion I think you should be able to smoke if you want to smoke. It is your own choice and you know the risks involved while doing so. There are not many people who cannot say that they haven't tried one cigarette because they were curious of what it was like. I admit I find most people smoke due to peer pressure, they think its cool or just because they want to. Although people who do choose not to smoke and don't like smokers smoking around them then thats fair enough.
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